Life in Hoi An

Despite my letter breaking up with Southeast Asia, we still had at least two weeks left to spend together....always an awkward situation. Anyway, I need to move on and report on our month living in Hoi An.

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Dear Southeast Asia

I love you, but I think it is time for us to end our relationship. I can no longer sleep with you on your cement-like, foam "mattresses". These beds are slowly killing me. At some point each night I wake up with no feeling in my leg, arm or fingers. My rotator cuff is shot and I almost dislocated my shoulder trying to find a comfortable position. This just isn't working.

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Hoi An House

Since we could not find a house to rent, we sat down for lunch to figure out a plan. We could not stay at our homestay much longer since they were fully booked soon. We visited two hotels with a pool and worked out deals with them for long term stays. We were about to confirm one when I got a text from a new friend in Hoi An. She owns a deli popular with expats and just had a woman come in saying she had a house to rent. 

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