Just Keep Swimming

If a shark stops moving, it dies. I was reminded of this fact twice in the last week. I felt like I heard this before, but didn’t exactly know why. Sharks need to keep moving in order to maintain oxygen flow through their gills. A short travel video that I highly recommend makes the analogy that humans would also die if they stopped moving, but they would experience a death of the mind rather than the body.

I guess it wouldn’t surprise many that this concept deeply resonates with me. I’ve discovered that I breathe easier when I’m traveling. It’s like a weight is lifted off my chest and the blood seems to flow with no resistance. I live for the excitement of exploring a new place or discovering something different in places I may have visited before. It’s a feeling that sort of builds from the first time you take that risk or make yourself vulnerable to the unknown. Think about the rush you may have felt when you finished your first race, skied down a hill, gave a presentation, performed on stage or even found yourself in an unusual situation chatting with someone new who took your breath away. Some may experience fear and this can be debilitating. We need to push past the fear of the unknown and take a few chances. I’ve referenced this quote before, but it bears repeating. ‘If you want the fruit from a tree, you have to go out on a limb.’

Fear isn’t the only reason some avoid travel. As an educator, I had the time to travel, but certainly not the financial resources. We need to be creative in finding ways to explore the world. I remember discovering the organization People to People International. This program allowed me to travel internationally as a delegation leader with students. Not only was I able to meet extraordinary young people, but I got to see parts of countries I wouldn’t have access to as an independent traveler. And it can be cheaper than you think. Lots of folks work online or travel full time, even with families. Some make money from selling advertising on their blogs. People find all sorts of ways to get out there and explore. However, travel is more than exploring. It’s an experience that reaps an abundance of rewards including learning about different cultures, building navigation skills and increasing resilience. When you travel you realize that people are more alike than different.

This desire to travel hasn’t decreased as I’ve become older. I’d say it has gotten stronger; reinforced with every excursion. I am incredibly fortunate to have a partner with similar passions. We compliment each other in so many ways. Together we mapped out our lives based on mutual goals and desires. We love our family and want our children to be independent, happy and successful. However, we don’t feel the only way to achieve this is by being confined to live in a societally imposed box. We aim to live with our own defined purpose. Much of that purpose is achieved through travel.

I think Dory had it right in “Finding Nemo”. Her mantra ‘Just keep Swimming’ will not only help if you’re lost or confused, it just may keep you alive. So let’s start moving.
