Today we arrived in Valparaiso after a two hour bus from Santiago. We were given a warm welcoming, literally. We rang the doorbell at least 20 times before anyone answered. This being because the two brats that have their room by the door were booming Ariana Grande. When Carlos (the owner) realized we were there, he opened the door and went to kiss my sister on the cheek😱. Then she walked over to me and whisper screamed, "HE KISSED ME." This was before we realized it was a common greeting.
Carlos showed my parents' room first which was on the first floor, and they got to hear all the lovely blenders in the morning. My sister and I had a room on the second floor and the bunk beds were about ten feet on top of each other. I was about to climb up to my bed when the fattest cat I had ever seen came through the window. It's name is DOMINGO DA KITTY KAT!!! He just walked out like it was no big deal that he jumped off the roof.
It's fatter in person
When I was getting out of our room, Domingo blocked us. When I opened the door he would just sit there and stare at us. He wouldn't let us walk by. I don't know why, but it just looked like he was going to scratch me if I did. But Maeve decided to go first, quietly and carefully, and I ran behind her.
After the tour we decided to take a bus to the harbor. When we got off we saw a mute man ask us for money. We didn't give him any so he shoved my dad. We were walking around for about an hour as usual, when we stumbled upon the Italian restaurant for the sixth time. So finally, we ate there and it was great. Then we called it a day and walked back. But to our surprise, Domingo had locked himself outside the gate. We later realized this was a daily activity of his.
A few mornings later Maeve and I were making breakfast, egg sandwiches to be precise, when I saw Domingo sitting in the room next to the front door begging to go out. So I locked him in there, but those two girls always let him out. I did it every morning. That night Domingo decided to come in our room and we couldn't get him out. So we decided we would leave him there but, we couldn't close the door because Domingo might have to use the bathroom. When Maeve started getting sneezy I had to get him out. He went under the couch and only came out when he saw my coat, which by now was torn from Domingo's claws. I would wave it around and throw it in the hallway so he would chase it. Finally he left and we could sleep, but to this day Domingo da kitty kat is still out there, planning his revenge.😾