The France House Sit

We had just left Spain a little while ago and we had planned to stay at a house sit in France. So pretty much you stay at their house while they go on vacation, and it's free for both of us. Yeah, but when we first got off our first class train to France we had to sit in the freezing cold at 11:00 pm trying to get a taxi.
       When we finally arrived at our five star hotel we passed out. Then we got up and took another train. We finally arrived at the station where we were picked up by the dad of their family that consisted of two sons, one daughter, a mother, and a father. We were most excited about this because we would have a place for Christmas. Plus we were told they had three dogs and a cat. While we were driving the dad mentioned the cat and we asked is there one or two. He casually said no we have nine. I think Maeve just about exploded when he said that. Her being extremely allergic and all, but I on the other hand was really excited. I got to know every single one.
         When we arrived on the property we were told about the chickens and horses and we saw a few of the cats too. My names for the cats were, blackie (my favorite), orangie (a weird orange cat who sleeps all day,) tabby (the sweetest thing that's dog friendly), wild kitty, (the shyest who is well, wild), spot (the sweetest little spotted kitty that was so innocent but got into lots of fights), and "baby" (their name for him-the meanest, most terrible cat that sleeps all day and scratches everyone)-we called him the devil cat. The other cats were Snuggles (a confusing nice kitty that likes to snuggle), Lucy (an annoying bald cat that we almost never saw), and finally Grandpa (the biggest cat of them all that all the other cats fear and respect). He isn't mean at all and is really weird.)
        The dogs are a different story. Emma the fat, lazy, old one sleeps most of the day and gets up only to beg for food (which she already has) or to stand in front of you and try to bite her tail at exactly 8:00pm (the bewitching hour). Alfie is the clumsy one who is also really sweet and bounces a lot. He sleeps in a pen with Charlie (the other dog) while Emma sleeps inside the house with the cats because she's too old for them. He's really lovable, but it's also easy to get angry at him. He might (in my case) pull you through a thorn bush and knock your glasses off because he thinks he saw a boar. Or he might jump on you, hump you, and lick your face. Charlie on the other hand is the only sweet one. He is three legged and and I wouldn't say smart. He's really adorable and always wants a belly rub.
      Now onto the horses. The white one is Gem, my second favorite. He isn't really intelligent but not as stupid as the other one. The other one is all black, really stupid, and only knows food. Once I was feeding them and I gave him a carrot and an apple. Then I went to feed Gem. He kept following me and wouldn't let me feed Gem. The last one is the baby and he just sits five millimeters away from the electric fence all day.
     Put them all together and you get..... pure chaos!!! Don't get me wrong, I would stay here for a month any day of the week; it's just really hard to cope with. The animals are really fun and the house is really cozy although sometimes it's really cold. But as my mom always says, it was a good experience.👋
